

IbaNet750-BM-D | Đại lý IBA Việt Nam

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IbaNet750-BM-D là một thiết bị được thiết kế để mở rộng phạm vi chức năng I / O của iba bằng cách sử dụng I / O các mô-đun của loạt 750 được sản xuất bởi WAGO và các thiết bị đầu cuối cho K-bus của Beckhoff. Thiết bị hoạt động như một cửa ngõ giữa bus K nối tiếp và giao thức ibaNet cáp quang xác định.

IbaNet750-BM-D | Đại lý IBA Việt Nam

Name IbaNet750-BM-D
Description Bus module for WAGO I/O system 750
Order no. 15.140010

IbaNet750-BM-D | Đại lý IBA Việt Nam

Ideal supplement

The WAGO I/O system is the ideal supplement for the range of the peripheral devices. Several WAGO terminals can be integrated into the system: analog and digital I/O terminals 

  • incremental encoders 
  • SSI inputs 
  • RTDs 
  • thermocouples
  • measuring bridges 
  • terminals for power measurement

Up to 255 WAGO I/O terminals can be connected to ibaNet750-BM-D.

The signals are internally converted and are available via the fiber optic cable interface. For the connection to a data acquisition system, such as ibaPDA, an ibaFOB-D card is used.

Measure power, calculate characteristics

ibaNet750-BM-D also supports various terminals for power measurement of the 750-494 and 750-495 series. The terminals measure current and associated voltages in the three-phase supply network and calculate characteristic values, e.g. 

  • effective/reactive/apparent power 
  • effective/reactive/apparent energy 
  • power factor 
  • phase angle 
  • frequency

The power measurement terminals are particularly suitable for acquiring power characteristics in the low-voltage range directly at consumers. In addition, simple, but not standard-compliant grid analyses can be carried out on consumers.

The use of power terminals is a simple, cost-effective solution for obtaining an overview of the most important power quality parameters when standardcompliant measurement is not required. Therefore, power flow analysis, internal energy management and the determination of energy costs and consumption are among the ideal applications. The Power Quality Unit ibaPQU-S is available for standard-compliant measurement of power quality. Various WAGO terminals are available at iba, please see www.iba-ag.com.

Flexible settings with 32Mbit

Flex Using 32Mbit Flex confi guration as well as process data is transmitted via a bidirectional fi ber optic cable connection. What is particularly comfortable for the user: ibaPDA automatically detects the modules used and the signals can be easily selected and confi gured by mouse click. With the ibaNet protocol 32Mbit Flex, the sampling rate can be fl exibly set up to 40 kHz. The maximum data volume to be transmitted depends on the adjusted sampling rate: The higher the sampling rate, the lower the data volume. The ibaPDA application automatically determines the maxi mum sampling rate, which depends on the type and number of the terminals. With 32Mbit Flex, it is possible to connect up to 15 devices to a ring topology. The signal limitation applies to the entire ring. Thereby, the distance between the devices can be up to 2 km. Other 32Mbit Flex-enabled iba devices can be integrated into the ring as well.

32Mbit for ibaLogic

The 32Mbit protocol is especially used in ibaLogic applications. The device is connected to an ibaLogic system via a bidirectional fi ber optic connection. Using a cycle time of 500 µs data is transmitted with a minimum delay to ibaLogic, which samples with 1 ms. Up to 256 (REAL)/ 512 (INT) analog and digital signals can be transmitted per cycle.

IbaNet750-BM-D | Đại lý IBA Việt Nam

IbaNet750-BM-D | Đại lý IBA Việt Nam

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