

Đại lý IBA Việt Nam - ibaDAQ | ibaDAQ-S

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ibaDAQ/ibaDAQ-S is equipped with an integrated ibaPDA system and can be used as stand-alone data acquisition device

Đại lý IBA Việt Nam - ibaDAQ | ibaDAQ-S

Đại lý IBA Việt Nam - ibaDAQ | ibaDAQ-S

Measuring with high precision - in an autonomous and flexible way

IbaDAQ-S and ibaDAQ are intelligent central units providing a complete integrated ibaPDA system and an internal Solid State Disk (SSD). Thus, they can acquire and record data as stand-alone device.  ibaDAQ is the enhancement of ibaDAQ-S and offers 2 independent Ethernet inter faces, and more storage capacity, see technical data page 15. ibaDAQ can operate in two networks and thus enable the separation of IT and process networks. This separation allows, for example, databases and storage systems to be connected to ibaDAQ, which are located in the IT network. Both devices are perfect for the use in the  ibaMBox meas urement case. This combination provides an autonomous, powerful measurement system that can be easily transported and can be used as mobile solu tion for commissioning purposes and troubleshoot ing.

Operation and configuration as on the PC

Monitor, mouse, and keyboard can be connected to ibaDAQ-S and ibaDAQ. The devices can be operated as conveniently as an ibaPDA system running on a PC. More over, it can also be operated with an ibaPDA client that is connected via network.  External devices are not required for data acquisition. The measurement process can start automatically after the configuration or can be con trolled by a trigger signal.  In case a notebook or tablet is used, it can be connected to ibaDAQ-S or ibaDAQ by using an USBWLAN stick.

Individual status displays

In addition to the standard LEDs indicating the device status, individual signals can be assigned to two colored LEDs. These LEDs show a status that has been defined by the user.

Storing data on the device

An internal SSD offers sufficient space for the measurement data. The storage capacity can be extended with an external hard disk on the USB interface, if required. After the measure ment process, the measurement data can be collected via an Ethernet connection or WLAN. The data can be processed and analyzed as usual in ibaAnalyzer.

Time synchronization

All time sources supported by ibaPDA (DCF77, PTP, ibaClock) can be used for synchronizing the time. The time is buffered with an internal battery

Monitoring and alarm

Two digital inputs and two digital outputs, which can be configured for user-specific functions, are available on the central unit. If the Watchdog function is configured in ibaPDA, one output can function as alarm output. In case a trigger signal reports an interruption of the voltage supply on a digital input, the device will be shut down and switched off in a save way.

Connection via ibaNet

The FO input and output offers the functionality of an ibaFOB-io card and supports the ibaNet protocols 32Mbit Flex, 32Mbit, 5Mbit, and 3Mbit. Here, more iba devices can be connected, like e.g. the ibaPADU family, iba bus monitors, or system connections.

Basic license

ibaDAQ-S and ibaDAQ are available by default with the ibaPDA basic license for up to 64 signals. If required, the license can be extended anytime by more signals, additional data stores, or Ethernet based interfaces.

Đại lý IBA Việt Nam - ibaDAQ | ibaDAQ-S

Đại lý IBA Việt Nam - ibaDAQ | ibaDAQ-S

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